Saturday, February 7, 2009

Assignment 3

This assignment was to review a website that promotes effective study skills. I learned that no two people study the same way, and what works for one person may not work for another. There are some general tecniques though that help for everyone.

One of the first things they go through in this article is the value of a schedule. A schedule saves a lot of time and helps omit things that are not top priority. A schedule helps make every hour count and tells you exactly when to study, and when is the best time to study to help you get as much as you can out of the study time.

The article also goes through the process of studying, which includes where to study and how to use your time to your best advantage. Then goes through numerous strategies on reading, taking notes, getting the main idea and much more.

Overall this was a very informative article and will help me a great deal. I have a hard schedule to work around and after reading this article I will be able to get the most out of the time I do have for school and studying.

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