Monday, May 18, 2009

Overall Class Experience

I felt this class gave me a very good perspective on not only what to expect in this degree, but what facet of the degree I would like to pursue. It was very informative when all the teacher from different aspects of the degree came in and talked about this area of expertise. I also loved seeing the former CSUMB students who have graduated and went on to careers in their field. It was very reassuring and gave me a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel. Besides being informative, the class also gave me skills in presenting that I will carry on to my future classes and eventually to my future job. Overall I enjoyed this class very much and would recommend it to anyone who is in the CSIT or ITCD program.

My presentation

I presented my topic on week 2. I choice to present on the new software by Google, Latitude. This is a product that is used to track people and be tracked from a mobile phone. I felt the presentation went well. I tried to be as calm, clear, and talk loud enough for everyone to hear. I also scanned the room and tried to look at everyone during the speech. Overall, I do think it went very well. If I had to do it over again, I would pick a different topic. One that is more complex and interesting. Something like the presentation Ricky did on augmented reality or Sara's on Microsoft surface.

Presentation Week 2

The second week of presentations brought up some very interesting topics. Ricky did a presentation on augmented reality. This was a very interesting topic for me that I had never heard of. It was basically about letting people see an augmented version of the world. He did a very good job presenting the topic. He was knowledgeable about the topic and seemed very comfortable presenting in front of the class.

The other presentation that I felt was very good was the presentation by Sara on the new Microsoft surface. This to me was an amazing topic. Again I had never heard of this specific item. The features of this product were one of a kind. Sara did a very good job presenting. She brought enthusiasm to the presentation and was very strong in her delivery.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Presentations Week 1

This week the students in the class started presenting to the class. We had some very interesting presentations. The one about Artificial Intelligence was very interesting to me. The future of Artificial Intelligence is a world of vast mystery at the moment, since there has not yet been a real breakthrough in that field. We also had a presentation on a sound program and a presentation on an Army Medical System.

One of my favorite presentations on the first week of presenting was the augmented reality presentation. I personally have never heard of this before and was very interesting and exciting for me to hear about it. The speaker (Richardo) seemed very knowledgeable and presented very well. Overall the presentations were very good in my opinion.

Returning CSUMB Students

This week some of CSUMB's old students graced us with their presence. It was very assuring hearing their stories of success. They all seemed to be going in different directions and all the outcomes were successful. It seemed like they all enjoyed what they do for a living and that their experience at CSUMB was not only enjoyable, but prepared them well for their future careers. Overall I enjoyed them stopping by and felt that it was a good boost of confidence and a glipse of the "light at the end of the tunnel".